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Recall of CVE-related media campaigns

The recollection and recognition of key messages and other elements from a media campaign, where the campaign was seen and what impact the campaign had on knowledge, attitudes and behaviours in respect to CVE-related issues.


  • Vulnerability of individuals to violent extremist ideologies is reduced

    CVE programs may aim to address the ideologies that underpin the anti-Western rhetoric and messaging that violent extremist groups use to justify their actions. They may also aim to address broader social issues such as poor inter-communal relations, or negative racial or other stereotypes, which may be pre-conditions for radicalisation. Extremist messaging can come from a number of sources, including social media.

Ways to measure

See the Countering Violence Extremism Evaluation Indicator Document [Pp 67-74] for practical suggestions on ways to measure such as survey instruments, example questions and using administrative data.

  • Secondary and administrative data

Evaluations that use this indicator