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Re-offending and/or associations with VE groups of those released from corrections

The commission of extremist-related offences and other criminal acts, and association, either face-to-face or online, with co-offenders, peers and family members who support extremist views, suspected extremists or leaders of extremist groups. Reoffending for this cohort includes the commission of extremist-related offences and other criminal acts.


  • Individuals convicted of terrorism-related offences, and other violent extremist inmates, are disengaged, rehabilitated and reintegrated into the community post release

    Extremist offenders released into the community can include individuals who have been charged for a terrorist offence or have been identified as at risk of radicalisation due to certain behaviours or associates. Peers and associates can have a negative influence on their behaviour when released from prison, helping to reinforce personal grievances and an extremist ideology.

Ways to measure

See the Countering Violence Extremism Evaluation Indicator Document [Pp 108-111] for practical suggestions on ways to measure such as survey instruments, example questions and using administrative data.

  • Secondary and administrative data