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Number of CVE programs evaluated

The number of CVE programs that have been evaluated and the evaluation methods employed.


  • Robust CVE policy development, governance, advice, reporting and evaluation

    This outcome relates to assessing the total number of CVE programs based on key principles of evidence-based policy and practice. This includes (1) using research evidence to inform policy and practice within an organisation, (2) including stakeholder perspectives in decision-making, (3) understanding ‘what works’ for your service users/program target groups (e.g., evaluating programs/services), and (4) utilising research evidence related to the delivery of initiatives to similar target groups.

Ways to measure

See the Countering Violence Extremism Evaluation Indicator Document [Pp 117-120] for practical suggestions on ways to measure such as survey instruments, example questions and using administrative data.

  • Secondary and administrative data

Evaluations that use this indicator